The coolest websites known to man

Sadgrl online: really cool and epic website about the whole web 1.0 revival movement and how to navigate sites taking part in it, etc.

Filegarden: the file hosting site i use for assets for this website, along with where my art portfolio is

Messybeast: cool site i reccomend to anyone like me who has cats as a special interest

LOVEWEBSITE: website for the very cute and silly webseries known as LOVEWEB hosted on | make your own blinkies!Blinkies cafe: the website i use to make a bunch of silly graphics called "blinkies" that you'll see all over my site

Cool Text: Logo and Graphics GeneratorCool text: a website where you can generate your own wacky animated text like text that is on fire or super glittery text

maia crimewMaia's site: the purrsonal (heh) website of the notorious Maia Arson Crimew, a hacktivist that is just oh so silly